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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Spy in Me

The sixties was an exciting time yet it was a dangerous time. The cold war, the Vietnam War, the daily demonstration against the war and the flower people added colour to our daily life. It was during these time every country is spying on each others to keep abreast of their neighbour activities to stay one step ahead.

During the Vietnam War, American soldiers came to Malaysia for their R & R. I remember they were put up in the hotel between Jalan Ipoh and Jalan Kovil Hilir, opposite the Indian Temple. My class mates became their tourist guides after school hours. They will bring stories of their exploits and the money they earned. They also tell us of spies among the soldiers and their detailed questionings. These fired up our imaginations.

I told Dad about the money my classmates earned and asked if I could be a guide after school hours. Dad gave a blunt “NO”. Dad said “It will corrupt you.” I wondered for a while and later found out what he meant. My classmates were taking these American soldiers to visit prostitutes and seedy places. On of my classmate caught VD (Venereal Disease). My other classmates teased him and told him he got Vietnam Rose. It was an eye opener.

But one lingering thought was “Are there spies? What do they want from us? How do you spot them and what do they actually do?

Then, out came the first James Bond Movie “Dr. No”. This was the first spy movie I ever saw. From that day I want to be a spy or a secret agent.

I though it was cool to be a spy. You get to kick and beat the bad men. You carry a gun and shoot the crap out of anyone who gets in your way. You get to wear the best clothes. You get to drive fast car, not just any car, you drive the best and most expensive car. Yes, not forgetting all the extra accessories that come with the cars. You get to travel first class, see the world, and visit all the beautiful places. You get to live in he best and most expensive hotels in the world. Money was limitless; you spent as much as you like to do your job. Last but not least you get to meet beautiful girls and wine & dine with them in the best restaurants. That was a dream job.

I began to read Ian Fleming novels and I have not missed any of James Bond movies. I scanned the newspapers for advertisement looking for a spy job but never seem to find one. I was disappointed.

My only consolation was I managed to buy myself a spy camera. It is so small about 60 millimetres long, 40 millimetres deep and 40 millimetres high.

It took me a while to get used to it. I would snap picture from magazines and most of the time I get blurry or dark shots. The only time you good pictures were when you snap in the outdoor in bright sunlight. It amazed me, how a spy can shoot and always get clear pictures in partially lighted or in dark room. Oi, stop laughing I was still a kid, OK!

Anyway, to be a spy slowly grew out of me as I got older and when reality sinks in. Today I still love spy movies and never failed to see the latest James Bond movie. I guess somehow a little of the spy is still in me. I am like James Bond always refreshing and never seem to grow old. Yes, my name is Ong, James ‘B’Ong. Hahahahaha.


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