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Friday, April 20, 2007

Hobart and Huon Trail – Tasmanian Trip Day 6

The next morning after breakfast, we decided to move closer to Hobart, the Airport and Port Arthur. So we checked out and found a nice little motor inn in Lindisfarne. It is about 5 minutes to Hobart city, 15 minutes to the airport, 30 minutes to Huon Valley and an hour to Port Arthur.

After checking in we cross the Tasman Bridge to Hobart City towards Kingston... Just after Kingston we stopped at the Apple & Heritage Museum.

Apple & Heritage Museum

There was nothing much to see here and disappointing, too. The sceneries along Huon River were scenic.

We passed Hounville, Port Huon, turning into Geeveston for the Tahune Airwalk in Southern Forest.

Tahune Airwalk, a walk in the treetops 40 meter above the ground. It is a 600 meter walk that is gentle with unforgettable views. You get close and learn to identify some Tasmanians; Celery, Top Pine, Sassafrass, King Billy, Leatherwood, Myrtle, Blackwood and the towering Stringybarks.

When we arrived at Tahune Airwalk it was raining and we braved the rain to do this walk.

Yes, we will do anything to bring you the great adventure.

The Cantilever

Braving ourselves, we walked onto the cantilever through the rain for an eagle-eye view of the Picton and Huon Rivers.

The howling wind blowing at the cantilever, swaying it, makes the walk a little frightening. In the end it was worth the scare.

We back tracked to Geeveston and back to Port Huon for lunch. We hope to get some fresh sea foods but were disappointed. There were no sea foods and we landed up in Port Huon Trading Post.

Port Huon Trading Post.

The food served here was fresh and good. It was not only good, the prices were reasonable and the service was superb. If you ever pass there drop in and give them your support.

Abalone Shell

Fresh Tasmanian Apples

After the hearty lunch, we headed south to Hasting Caves and Thermal Springs. By the time we reach there, it was almost closing time and the person in charge told us by the time we walked to the springs, we have to turn back. Well, there will be another time. Again we back track and headed for Southport.

It was here we decided to head back for Hobart since it was dark and there was not much point driving to Cockle Creek to see Whale Sculpture.

We reach Hobart and decided to stop here for dinner. After a few turn here and there we landed up at Salamanca Place.

After walking around we finished up at La Porchetta for dinner. Dining here is so much expensive than La Porchettas’ in Melbourne. I would say it is about 1½ more expensive and it was not as good as the Melbourne’s outlets. After walking around for a while we decided to call it for a night.


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