It was by chance this holiday came about. During the Christmas Holidays in one of the dinner conversation, my SIL from
Sydney was planning a holiday trip and asked us if we were interested in joining her and her hubby. My wife was quick to say “yes”. They quickly decided on a date and where to go for a holiday. It was decided we all will go for a short oversea trip. Yes, a short trip over the Bass Strait to
Tasmania. We been here for almost 20 years and have not visited
Tasmania and I think it is time we drop in for a visit.
Initially it was decided my wife and I will take the ferry from Melbourne Port to Devonport bringing the car with us. My SIL and hubby will fly from Sydney and meet us there. But there was one problem, I get seasick and I do not want to arrive in Devonport sick as a dog and unable to drive or enjoy the holiday. After working out the sums it would cost the same to fly or take the ferry to Tasmania. The only extra cost would be a rental car. So we decide to fly and rent a car. It was a good decision.
The holiday could not come any better in the last week of March. After returning to work after the New Year, it was a hard slog, keeping up with demands from customers. I was totally drained and needed to get away from the office. It was a much needed holiday. We left Melbourne for Launceston on the 25th of March at 1.25pm. The flight was delayed for about 15mins due to some hitch up in paperwork over some goods consignment. The pilot made up for the lost time arriving on time.
Launceston Airport is a small airport. Once the plane landed, you need to take a short walk to the terminal. There is no carousal for you to retrieve your luggage. To retrieve your luggage, you walked in a glass room and wait. After a while, a little truck towing a few carriages with your luggage entered this room and you collect your luggage off the carriages.
Outside Lauceston AirportMaureen collected the luggage while I collected the rental car. It was a almost new Mitsubishi 380 sedan. While we were doing our part of the duty, my SIL and hubby plane landed. After collecting our luggage and doing all the necessary paperwork for the car, we pick up the car loaded the luggage and headed to our lodging in West Tamar. It was about 10mins North of Launceston. It was almost 4pm after checking into the motel and we took a drive up further North on West Tamar Highway.
To be continued.
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