The Chinese waiters at the Chinese restaurant sneers at me when I ask for an English Menu.
The wall on Chinese restaurants plastered with colorful hand written menu glares at me when I stare at them blankly.
The Chinese lady minding the grocery store insists on speaking to me in Chinese when I speak to her in English.
My Chinese colleague from China keeps reminding I must learn to speak Chinese since I am a Chinese.
My Aussies friends treat me as their mate, one of their own. They make me feel at ease and at home. They don’t ask me if I speak Chinese. They respect me, they give me my space, and they treat me fair. They speak English to me.
hat is bloody why I live in Down Under and not in China.
Damn, if you insist I am a Banana, so be it. I am very proud to be one.
I will be away for 3 days on this long weekend. Enjoy your weekend.
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