Jamie Oliver’s Naked Truth

“The young father-of-two, who wears the apron in his own home, told Good Housekeeping magazine that working mothers were responsible for crumbling family values because they no longer had time to cook healthy meals or ensure their families shared dinner together. “
His views on working women and the demise of family life have caused tempers to reach boiling point. Working women are up in arms over his comments.
"To my mind that's why we've lost our food culture. I might be biased but I think if you got everyone round the table two or three times a week you'd get a drop in the divorce rate.''
After reading his comments, I must agree there are some truths in it. Parents are so busy either chasing for more dollars or trying to climb the corporate world, they seldom sit together around the table for dinner and communicate with their children and each other. Everything is on the go including food.
“Parents are working longer hours, getting home later after battling peak hour traffic and their children are participating in after-school activities in record numbers.
As a result, family members are arriving home at different times of night and the tendency for parents to rely on takeaway or fast, frozen dinners are higher than ever.”
No longer do parents want to spend time in the kitchen cooking high nutritious food. I actually do agree with him on this. After a hard day and arriving home late, I do not think parents want to slog and spent more time in the kitchen preparing a nutritious meal for themselves or the children. I guess they will take the easy way out.
As parents, do you agree with Jamie’s comments? As a working mother, is there some truth in his comments? Or has Jamie got it all wrong?
Jamie's got it right to a point, though I feel sometimes the Fathers could pull their weight and do the cooking too, like him! it's gotta be a give and take, doesn't matter who cooks, as long as there's a good healthy meal on the table for the family. ;)
my Mom once commented to me that she felt the reason why we siblings and parents are still close to one another is because when we were young, we had dinners together as a family, at a fixed time, and still do during the weekends now. in a way, I see her point. a good hot meal to come home to is always a wonderful feeling.
I agree with u. When we were kids, my parents insist we all sit together at the dinner table together for dinner. No excuse and no watching TV during dinner. Mum will "report" to Dad about us and Dad will talk to us, advise us etc. That I guess makes us close as a family. we also share the chores of washing up, drying, wiping the table, arranging the chairs after dinner.
My wife insist every Saturday evening her brothers and sister come over for dinner. She will take the time to prepare dinner for them. They r one close knitted family.
We have one good rule between me and my wife. Who gets home from work first, get the privilege to cook dinner. So by the time the person who is home late will get a nice warm dinner as soon as he or she walks through the door.
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