Mei (May) Kui, Mei (May) Kui
These are pictures of roses taken from my garden.

Maureen wanted a purple rose and we got it from the nursery but the flower is not that deep purple as shown on the brochure. It is a hardy rose and never fails to bloom every year.

The picture above hardly justify the colour of this rose. This rose is in very deep dark red and is one of our favourite. The rose came with the house when we moved in and it is more than 20 years old.

This rose came with the house, too. It use to have lots of beautiful bloom until the last 2 years when it was hit with disease. It is starting to grow well and I hope next year there will be more blooms.

We got this rose for $5 at KMart. It was not in a good state but we bought it and nurture it. Every year it had rewarded us with plenty of flowers.

This rose was propagated from a friend's garden. It was not growing well the last few years. Last Autumn, I decided to give it a deep prune since it was not growing well. Surprisingly it grew well. It pay to be cruel to be kind.

This is the most hardy and common rose. This was grew from a cutting. Just cut and plonk on the ground and it will grow. I have chopped this rose's mother to the ground many time and come spring, it grew again.

This was the weakest of the lot. Again I gave it a deep prune and it grew well this year. Hopefully next year there will be more flowers.

This rose was from a cutting at the corner of the house where there was limited sunlight. Sadly the mother plant died. I love this bloom.

This rose is unique. It has different shaded of colours and it changes colour as it aged. Again grown from a cutting.

Bush roses. As it name implied, it is a bush and plenty of flowers. So far only one flower has bloom. More to come in the later days.

A rose by other name. Rosemary and I love the aroma.
Rose, Rose I love you.
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