Home & Alone

Yes, today I am home and all alone. The wife packed the bags and left me. How sad!
Oh, don't get me wrong, she packed her bags and went away for the weekend down to Wilson Promontory with her sister, brother, nephew, niece and some friends. This is the first she ever went on a holiday without me. I have used up all my annual leaves. I went to Tasmania for a week and later my younger brother came with his son, I took off another week. So no leaves left, I have to stay at home.
This current trip was planned a year ago. Yep, you heard it right. The accommodation is so popular that you have to book a year ahead. Well it suited my nephew who just migrated over here and my niece who too, just came over for her studies in Melbourne University.
The only consolation is I get back is my PC, my blogging, my favourite corner, a bit of peace and quiet.
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