Reading Indigestion

Almost every week, I will go to the Library, browse around and look for books to read. It will be an assorted read, a mixture of books, books on hobby, self improvement, music, an autobiography, a novel and assorted magazines. When I am at the newsagent I would browse at the PC magazines, guitar magazines, and fishing magazine etc. and would buy it if it interests me. Or if I waiting for my appointment at the dentist, the doctor, the chiropractor or the fish & chip shop, I would pick any outdated magazines, browse over it and read those interesting articles in it. Even though it may be outdated it has this attraction that make you pour over it and savour everything in it.
Two magazines that always get my attention are the Reader Digest and National Geographic. So I decided to subscribe to The Reader Digest.
But recently, I find I have no inclination to read. I seem to find everything boring. If I open a novel and find if the first 5 pages does not grab my attention, I will stop reading that book. PC magazines or any other magazines no longer interest me. What about The Reader Digest? Well, it is sitting on the table with the last 3 Issued unopened and the 2 opened ones unread.
I am not sure, why I lost interest in reading. Someone thinks I am stress and need a holiday. Am I silently sinking into depression or is age catching up with me? It is anyone guessed.
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