Baby Jesus - A Savior?

Early this morning the town was wakened to the sound of bleating sheep and singing shepherds. Some woke up to witness this strange sight of shepherds marching into the town with their sheep. Others were swearing at the shepherds to keep the noise down while trying to get some sleep. Curious ones shouted out to enquire what it was all about since shepherds were known to stay up in the hills looking after the sheep and seldom come into the town.
Words have got around the shepherds saw a strange sight this morning. While they were out in the fields keeping watch over their flock by night, an angel appeared before them. They were scared shit out of their pants. Some were terrified and thought this is it, they are going to die. While others could only stared in amazement. But the angel told them not to be afraid.
The angel told them he is here to bring them good news.
“Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of
Suddenly a great host of angels appeared with the angel praising God and saying “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests”. As suddenly as the angels came, they disappeared.
Fearing for their safety and to satisfy their curiosity, they rushed into the town to see if there was any truth what the angel had said. True enough, they found the baby in the manger as the angel said. Now the parents of this baby, too, were taken aback when the shepherds and their sheep suddenly arrived at the manger to see the baby. After the initial confusion and things settled down, the parents were amazed at what the shepherds told them. Words quickly got spread around and this was the cause of the traffic built up in
DUN managed to speak to Mary, the little boy’s mother. She was not the least surprised. Nine to 10 months ago the Angel appeared and told she will be expecting this little boy. The Angel said to her “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. You will be with child and give birth to a son and you will give him the name Jesus. He will be great and be called the Son of Most High. The Lord will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end”. Mary told us she was troubled. “How could it be since I am a virgin” Mary asked. The angel answered “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the one to be born will be called the son of God. Nothing is impossible with God”.
When Joseph, my husband to be found out I was with a child, he was troubled. Being a righteous man, he did not want to expose me to public disgrace. He intended to divorce me quietly. But one night an Angel appeared to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take me as his wife because what conceived in me is from Holy Spirit. Joseph being a God fearing man did what the Lord as commanded him. What happen tonight fulfill the prophecy predicted long ago.
We are thankful to the Inn Keeper for his generosity. We have to travel back to register ourselves for the census as decree by Caesar Augustus. It was not an easy trip especially me being pregnant. Joseph was so patience and understanding. After a long journey, tired and hungry we tried looking for an inn but all the inns were full. Everyone came back to their hometown for the census. We were turned away but this Inn Keeper took us in even there were no room in the inn and gave us the manger to spend a night. He made sure we were comfortable. If not for him we will be out in the cold. I just dread what would happen to us.
DUN spoke to the religious scholars about this miraculous birth. Some scholars claimed today happening fulfilled the prophecy revealed my hundred years ago. The Pharisee and the Sadducees disagreed.
As we were speaking DUN understands 3 wisemen are traveling from the East heading this way looking for this boy Jesus. They have been following the star that was guiding them. They too have read the prophecy and today believe the prophecy has been fulfilled. They are here to worship this baby who has born king of the Jews.
Dun understand The Holy Book also prophecied this baby will save the people from sins.
Will this baby save the people from sins? Is he the savior that was prophecied many hundred years ago?
Stay tune for more as DUN continues to investigate and follow this amazing story
The movie 'Nativity Story' is a good one to see. Biblically accurate and details about life around Mary, Joseph, their parents, and the commnunity at that era.
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