Making Changes
Making changes, some people love it but most people don’t. They don’t because of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of losing what they have at hand at the moment. It is too hard for them to get up and out of their comfortable zone to make a change and a difference even the surroundings around them make them uneasy and uncomfortable. Their rights to the freedom of expression, speech, religion, place of worship, schooling, and education etc are dwindling and being slowly taken away from them bit by bit knowingly and unknowingly. They are threatened by the very people who supposedly to protect them and their rights. Their “protectors” robbed them blind, increase taxes, desecrate their place of worship, practice racial discrimation and left them to fend for themselves. They get angry and instead of openly speaking out, they whisper. They have many opportunities to make the change but when the opportunity to do so came, there were excuses after excuses.
Common excuses are “Why rock the boat” or “it is better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” Yet, these are the very same people who winched and complained the most and refuse to get off their butts and do something about it. They deserved what is dished to them.
Making changes involve making sacrifices to your life style, your abode, and your financial circumstances and may risk losing everything you have but it is for something bigger, brighter with better opportunities for yourself, your children, your family, your neighbours, your friends and your country. This means rocking the boat and getting out of the comfortable zone. It takes guts to make the first step.
Many centuries ago, a group of people left their home and country in the time of famine to another country, a land of plenty. They were welcome and rights were accorded to them. They settled down, became citizens, worked hard and build a fortune for themselves and the country. They lived and got along well with the folks of the land. Everyone was happy. There was plenty to share around.
As the “migrants” prosper and prosper, the leader of the land got worried. It was a threat to their power base. The leader began to remove their rights bit by bit. It did not concern the “migrants” at all, after all there were still plenty to share around. As time passed by, they suddenly found they lost everything – the right to speak without fear, the right to worship their God, the right to trade, the right to build a place of worship, and right to own properties etc. Laws were changed slowly knowingly or unknowingly but people were too complacent to take notice. All they cared was their rice bowl and make monies until it was too late. They became slaves with no rights. Life became harder, there were hunger, pain and anguish. There were regrets and moaning but it was too late. It was for a very long, long time before God heard their prayer and deliver them out of bondage into the promise land.
Come March 8, you have the power to make a difference at the ballot box. Will you speak out, take a chance and make a change? Or will you continue to be complacent and go to bed with the devil you know? If you decide to go to bed with devil you know, then stop your complaining and winching. If one morning you wake up to find all your rights were gone, you deserved what is dished out to you. You reap what you sow.
Editor note:
This blog was written after conversation is a friend from home who thinks nothing is going to change. He believe people will act contrary to what they say. These are the very same people who will winch and complain but have no guts to make a change. "Why rock the boat?", they asked.
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