Our Christmas Tree
Out came the ladder from the shed and into the house, climbed up the ladder into our secret compartment where the Christmas tree and decorations were kept. Took it down and took it outside, clear the dust and protective coating before bringing it into the house.

Maureen started putting up the tree while I sorted out the twinkling lights. There were 3 set of lights but 1 set refused to work. I did every test on it and I could not find the problem. I guess it time for it to retire. Tonight if I have the time I will get some LED Christmas lights for Maureen.

Our Christmas is 20 years old. We bought it to celebrate our first Christmas when we moved down to Down Under. Every year, when we look at the battered Christmas tree, this tree reminds us of God’s kindness, his guidance, his protective hand, his provision and his blessing on us when we left Malaysia to journey into the unknown.
Christmas also reminds us of God’s love not just for us but also for all mankind.
John 3:16 (New International Version)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
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