I guess you have been popping in and out to visit my blog and you must be bitterly disappointed to see nothing new. Well, I must admit on top of my busy routines, I am also very slack. After my nephew wedding, I have my eldest BIL, my 2
nd youngest brother and his son to entertain.
My brother came from US, Iowa, to be precise, to visit us and introduced his son, Wern, to the Australian cousins whom Wern has never met. Wern was born in US and he is 18. My brother wants him to meet his cousins before he attends university and start his working life.

Brother SK, Sister Janet, Niece Melissa, BIL Ian, Wern
The first thing to do is to visit my younger sister in Geelong. Geelong is about 1½ drive away from where I live. We had 2 car loads of people heading west to visit my sister. Hmm, we got my Uncle and Aunty, Melbourne’s younger sister and husband, BIL, my brother and Wern, Me and my missus making it a small family reunion.

The Family
So what we do in Geelong? What else? Chit Chat, eat,

BIL, ME with Hmm, yummy Muruku, Wern
talk about old days, compare notes,

Aunty, Sister June, Brother SK
catch up with the latest updates and gossips, making fun of one another and laugh at each other. Time do fly doing these simple things and before long it was time to come home.
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