The Beginning of the End

My generation has been threatened, lived in fear and for the sake of our children continued to put the present government in power. It was for the sake of peace & harmony but all was in vain. Rather than keeping it promises, the government continues breaking them. Instead of peace and harmony it promises, there were racial polarization and division. People were divided against each other. Other races were threatened. Religions were used to divide and conquer. At the same time, people were robbed left, right and centre. Corruption continues to flow like cheap wine and the leaders of the day are drunk in power. So much so they are so arrogant, they lost touch with reality and continue to look after themselves and line their pockets with ill gotten gains.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the end. Will it the end of the present government or will it be the end of a golden opportunity for the people to voice their frustration and put to an end to all this nonsense and begin a new chapter?
Tomorrow 2 things can only happen. It will be the end of the present government or the people will continue to reap what they sow. There will not be another opportunity like this for the people to make a change for a long, long time to come.
If the present government is denied two third majorities tomorrow, will it be the end of our current Prime Minister leadership? His power base is weakened and will his authority be challenged? Will there be a challenge to his leadership and be voted out by his party members replacing him with a new stronger, decisive leader?
Or will there be disturbance created to camouflage a leadership takeover like before and denied the opposition from taking power?
Whatever it is, it will be beginning of the end of the current Prime Minister leadership and a new era begins.